api endpoint

New APIs Discovered by Attackers in Just 29 Seconds: Understanding the Risks and Solutions

Introduction The rapid rise in API adoption has fueled significant business growth but has also attracted threat actors targeting newly deployed APIs. According to Wallarm’s recent report, “Gone in 29 Seconds: The World’s First API Honeypot,” attackers can locate and exploit unprotected APIs in less than 30 seconds. This article delves into the findings of…

Safeguarding the Mind: Analyzing the Attack Vectors on Brain Computer Interface Systems
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Safeguarding the Mind: Analyzing the Attack Vectors on Brain Computer Interface Systems

Safeguarding the Mind: Analyzing the Attack Vectors on Brain Computer Interface Systems ‍ Image Source: FreeImages ‍ ## Introduction to Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Systems Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems have revolutionized the way we interact with technology. These innovative systems allow direct communication between the human brain and external devices, opening up a world…