artificial intelligence jokes
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20 Best AI Jokes: 2023 November Edition

Here, we will have some Artificial Intelligence generated humor. Please let us know if you enjoy this, so that we would continue or maybe increase the frequency of these. Did any of these made you chuckle? Let us know which one.

artificial intelligence

1. Why did the AI go to art school?

Because it wanted to learn how to draw better circuits!

2. What do you call an AI that takes up painting?

Leonardo da Vinci-rithm!

3. Why did the AI cross the road?

To optimize its path-finding algorithm!

4. How do you know if an AI is telling a joke?

It will say ‘Error 404: Humor not found’!

5. Why did the AI watch so many movies?

It wanted to improve its artificial intelligence!

6. What do you get when you cross an AI with a comedian?

Data that can make you laugh!

7. Why did the AI become a stand-up comedian?

Because it had great timing algorithms!

8. What do you call an AI that loves to sing?

A virtual pop-star!

9. How do you make an AI laugh?

Tell it a byte-sized joke!

10. Why did the AI start a band?

Because it wanted to make some byte-sized music!

11. What do you call an AI that’s been trained on too much cat videos?

A purr-fect machine.

12. Why did the AI cross the road?

To optimize its algorithm for real-world navigation.

13. What do you call a large language model that’s always trying to be helpful?

A good samaritan.

14. What do you call a large language model that’s always trying to be funny?

A wisecracker.

15. How do you know if a Generative AI is in love?

It keeps generating poems about you.

16. What do you call a Generative AI that’s been trained on too much bad data?

A troll.

17. What do you call a Generative AI that’s been trained on too much Shakespeare?

A Bard.

18. What do you call a large language model that’s always trying to be sarcastic?

A wit-bot.

19. Why did the AI get fired from its job?

It was too good at it and made everyone else look bad.

20. What do you call a large language model that’s always trying to be philosophical?

A thought-bot.

If you found any of this funny, please take your time to browse around our site and find something interesting. Leave a comment or feedback to us, it’s always appreciated.

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